Kanon XXIV:
"Oikonomia, Dispensatio et Aequitas Canonica"
Hubert Kaufhold (München), Oikonimia bei den altorientalischen Kirchen, 1
Anargyros Anapilotis (München), Oikonomia im Zusammenhang mit dem Sakrament der Taufe, 17
Dobromir Dimitrov (Veliko Tarnovo), Oikonomia and Akribeia in the Canons of St. Basil the Great, 34
Theodoros Giagkou (Thessaloniki), Oikonomia According to St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite 45
David Heith-Stade (Lund), Canon and Oikonomia: A Typology of Normativity and Exceptions in Canon Law, 52
Grigorios Larentzakis (Graz), Oikonomia im interkonfessionellen Dialog, 61
Nikos Maghioros (Thessaloniki), The Concept of Oikonomia in Inter-Orthodox Relations. The Preparatory Phase: 1902—1904, 84
Chrysostomos Nassis (Thessaloniki), The Oikonomia of the Sacraments and the Territorial Principle: Old and New Dimensions of a Key Canonical Issue, 98
Dimitros Nikolakakis (Thessaloniki), The Involvement of Clergy in Secular Affairs by Oikonomia According to Theodore Balsamon, 110
Grigorios D. Papathomas (Athène & Paris), Économie ecclésiale. Élucidations terminologiques et rétroactions herméneutiques aux multiples voies de l'économie, 126
Dimitri Paschkov (Moskau), Kirchliche oikonomia und kanonische Billigkeit, 146
Lewis Patsavos (Cambridge, MA), The Application of Oikonomia: The Experience of the Orthodox Church in America, 152
Peter Petkoff (Brunel & Oxford), Oikonomia and Custom in the Canonical Commentaries of Theodore Balsamon, 170
Archbishop Teodosie Petrescu & Bogdan Chiriluţă (Constanţa), Oikonomia According to the Teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Eastern Church, 185
Emilian Iustinian Roman (IaÅŸi), The Application of Oikonomia in the Sacrament of Ordination, 200
Constantin Rus (Arad), The Implication of Dispensation in the Life of the Church. Some Canonical Remarks, 212
Will Adam (London), Oikonomia, Dispensation and Aequitas in the Law of the Church of England, 230
Francesco Card. Coccopalmerio (Rome), L'instrument de la dispense dans les deux codes CIC-CCEO, 238
Pablo Gefaell (Rome), Oikonomia for Failed Marriages? A Catholic Perspective Based on Pastoral Sensivity, 246
Astrid Kaptijn (Fribourg), The Salvation of Souls According to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, 263
+ Dimitrios Salachas (Athène), L'application de l'économie ecclésiastique (oikonomia) à la loi pénale selon les saints canons de l'Église ancienne et dans la loi en vigueur dans les Églises catholiques orientales, 276
Florian Schuppe (München), An den Grenzen der Kirche — ökumenisches Handeln aus dem Gegenüber von oikonomia und akribeia, 302
Péter Szabó (Budapest & Nyíregyháza), The Question of "Oikonomia" from a Catholic Point of View. Reasons and Dilemmas of its Absence from the CCEO, 317
Patrick Valdrini (Rome), Salus animarum in Latin Canon Law: Salus animarum, Rationabilitas and Aequitas, 335
Radu Carp (Bucharest), How Different are National Models Regarding the Study of Religion in Europe? The Legal Framework from a Comparative Perspective and the Jurisprudence of the Romanian Constitutional Court, 345
Iulian Mihai Constantinescu (Craiova), Les limites légales de la compétence ecclésiastique dans le cadre de l'enseignement étatique théologique orthodoxe en Roumanie : économie et légalité, 370
Verlag Roman Kovar, Hennef 2016​