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Kanon XXIV: 

"Oikonomia, Dispensatio et Aequitas Canonica" 

  • Hubert Kaufhold (München), Oikonimia bei den altorientalischen Kirchen, 1

  • Anargyros Anapilotis (München), Oikonomia im Zusammenhang mit dem Sakrament der Taufe, 17

  • Dobromir Dimitrov (Veliko Tarnovo), Oikonomia and Akribeia in the Canons of St. Basil the Great, 34

  • Theodoros Giagkou (Thessaloniki), Oikonomia According to St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite 45

  • David Heith-Stade (Lund), Canon and Oikonomia: A Typology of Normativity and Exceptions in Canon Law, 52

  • Grigorios Larentzakis (Graz), Oikonomia im interkonfessionellen Dialog, 61

  • Nikos Maghioros (Thessaloniki), The Concept of Oikonomia in Inter-Orthodox Relations. The Preparatory Phase: 1902—1904, 84

  • Chrysostomos Nassis (Thessaloniki), The Oikonomia of the Sacraments and the Territorial Principle: Old and New Dimensions of a Key Canonical Issue, 98

  • Dimitros Nikolakakis (Thessaloniki), The Involvement of Clergy in Secular Affairs by Oikonomia According to Theodore Balsamon, 110

  • Grigorios D. Papathomas (Athène & Paris), Économie ecclésiale. Élucidations terminologiques et rétroactions herméneutiques aux multiples voies de l'économie, 126

  • Dimitri Paschkov (Moskau), Kirchliche oikonomia und kanonische Billigkeit, 146

  • Lewis Patsavos (Cambridge, MA), The Application of Oikonomia: The Experience of the Orthodox Church in America, 152

  • Peter Petkoff (Brunel & Oxford), Oikonomia and Custom in the Canonical Commentaries of Theodore Balsamon, 170

  • Archbishop Teodosie Petrescu & Bogdan Chiriluţă (Constanţa), Oikonomia According to the Teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Eastern Church, 185

  • Emilian Iustinian Roman (Iaşi), The Application of Oikonomia in the Sacrament of Ordination, 200

  • Constantin Rus (Arad), The Implication of Dispensation in the Life of the Church. Some Canonical Remarks, 212

  • Will Adam (London), Oikonomia, Dispensation and Aequitas in the Law of the Church of England, 230

  • Francesco Card. Coccopalmerio (Rome), L'instrument de la dispense dans les deux codes CIC-CCEO, 238

  • Pablo Gefaell (Rome), Oikonomia for Failed Marriages? A Catholic Perspective Based on Pastoral Sensivity, 246

  • Astrid Kaptijn (Fribourg), The Salvation of Souls According to the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, 263

  • + Dimitrios Salachas (Athène), L'application de l'économie ecclésiastique (oikonomia) à la loi pénale selon les saints canons de l'Église ancienne et dans la loi en vigueur dans les Églises catholiques orientales, 276

  • Florian Schuppe (München), An den Grenzen der Kirche — ökumenisches Handeln aus dem Gegenüber von oikonomia und akribeia, 302

  • Péter Szabó (Budapest & Nyíregyháza), The Question of "Oikonomia" from a Catholic Point of View. Reasons and Dilemmas of its Absence from the CCEO, 317

  • Patrick Valdrini (Rome), Salus animarum in Latin Canon Law: Salus animarum, Rationabilitas and Aequitas, 335

  • Radu Carp (Bucharest), How Different are National Models Regarding the Study of Religion in Europe? The Legal Framework from a Comparative Perspective and the Jurisprudence of the Romanian Constitutional Court, 345

  • Iulian Mihai Constantinescu (Craiova), Les limites légales de la compétence ecclésiastique dans le cadre de l'enseignement étatique théologique orthodoxe en Roumanie : économie et légalité, 370

Verlag Roman Kovar, Hennef 2016​

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