Kanon IX:
"The 'Protos' and His Jurisdiction"
+ Damaskinos Papandreou (Chambésy), Die Stellung des Ersten in der orthodoxen Kirche, 9
Gisbert Greshake (Freiburg i.Br.), Die Stellung des Protos in der Sicht der römisch-katholischen dogmatischen Theologie, 17
+ Zenon Grocholewski (Città del Vaticano), Die Canones über den Papst und das Ökumenische Konzil in dem neuen Codex des Kanonischen Rechtes, 51
Ladislas Örsy (Washington), The Development of the Concept of Protos in the Ancient Church, 83
Clarence Gallagher (Rome), The Concept of "Protos" in the Eastern Catholic Churches, 99
Michel Thériault (Ottowa), La position du Patriarche chez les théologiens et canonistes latins à l'époque de l'union de Florence (1439), 113
Adel Azer Bestawros (Alexandria), The Concept of Protos "Patriarch" in the Coptic Orthodox Church, 131
Nicolae V. Dura (Bucharest), The Protos in the Romanian Orthodox Church according to its modern Legislation, 139
+ Mesrob Mutafyan (Istanbul), An Armenian Protos in the fifteenth Century, 163
Vlassios Phidas (Athens), Primus inter Pares, 181
Philip H. E. Thomas (Heighington), The Concepts of Primacy in the Anglican Communion, 189
Georges Tsetsis (Genève), Le Patriarche Oecumenique en tant que "Protos" dans l'Eglise orthodoxe, 197
Radko Poptodorov (Sofia), "Protos" and Conciliarity, 207