Kanon III:
"The Position of the Laity in the Law of the Oriental Churches"
+ Salvatore Baldassarri (Ravenna), I laici e la loro posizione nei documenti del Vaticano II, 9
Mario Mazzotti (Ravenna), Ravenna e l'Oriente​, 20
Bartholomaios Archondonis (Constantinople), The Participation of the Laity in the Synods of the Greek-Byzantine Churches, 33
Adel Azer Bestawros (Alexandria), The Organization and History of the Patriarchal/Laical Councils in the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, 39
Michael Breydy (Cologne), Les laics et les Bnay Qyomo dans l'ancienne tradition de l'Eglise Syrienne, 51
+ Moussa Daoud (Beyrouth), La position canonique actuelle des laics dans les Eglises de tradition syrienne, 76
JosephHabbi (Mosul), La participation des fidèles dan la vie de l'Eglise d'Orient (Assyro-Chaldéenne), 90
+ Tiran Nersoyan (New York), Laity in the Administration of the Armenian Church, 96
Ignace Raad (Rome), Participation des laics à la vie de l'Eglise Grecque Melkite Catholique, 120
Jan Rezac (Rome), I laici nel diritto canonico orientale vigente e le proposte per la revisione di questo diritto, 131
+ John Rinne (Helsinki), The Role of the Laity in the Administration of the Orthodox Patriarchates of Serbia, Rumania, and Bulgaria, 143
Kurian Vanchipurackal (Kerala), Laity in the Syro-Malabar Church through the Centuries, 156
+Paulos Gregorios Varghese (Kerala), The Canonical Position of the Laity in the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, 177
Marian Zurowski (Varsavia), Il diritto dei laici alla Communio Ecclesiastica secondo i canoni orientali, 185
Mesrob K. Krikorian (Wien), Die Rechtslage der Armenischen Kirche heute, 199
Die national-kirchliche Verfassung von 1860/1863 (Anhang), 214
Peter Leisching (Innsbruck), Der Inhalt der Responsa Nikolaus' I. ad Consulta Bulgarorum im Lichte westkirchlicher Quellen, 240
Josef Prader (Brixen), Die Gerichtsbarkeit in Personalstatutsfragen der christlichen Religionsgemeinschaften in den Ländern des Vorderen Orients, 249
Edmund Przekop (Lublin), Quid in electione patriarcharum ad normas iuris pro Ecclesiis Catholicis Orientalibus vigentis peragenda servetur quidque mutetur?, 271
Constantin Vavouskos (Thessaloniki), Les Conciles et leur pouvoir judiciaire, 294
Verlag Herder - Wien 1977