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Kanon III: 

"The Position of the Laity in the Law of the Oriental Churches"



  • + Salvatore Baldassarri (Ravenna), I laici e la loro posizione nei documenti del Vaticano II, 9

  • Mario Mazzotti (Ravenna), Ravenna e l'Oriente​, 20

  • Bartholomaios Archondonis (Constantinople), The Participation of the Laity in the Synods of the Greek-Byzantine Churches, 33

  • Adel Azer Bestawros (Alexandria), The Organization and History of the Patriarchal/Laical Councils in the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, 39

  • Michael Breydy (Cologne), Les laics et les Bnay Qyomo dans l'ancienne tradition de l'Eglise Syrienne, 51

  • + Moussa Daoud (Beyrouth), La position canonique actuelle des laics dans les Eglises de tradition syrienne, 76

  • JosephHabbi (Mosul), La participation des fidèles dan la vie de l'Eglise d'Orient (Assyro-Chaldéenne), 90

  • + Tiran Nersoyan (New York), Laity in the Administration of the Armenian Church, 96

  • Ignace Raad (Rome), Participation des laics à la vie de l'Eglise Grecque Melkite Catholique, 120

  • Jan Rezac (Rome), I laici nel diritto canonico orientale vigente e le proposte per la revisione di questo diritto, 131

  • + John Rinne (Helsinki), The Role of the Laity in the Administration of the Orthodox Patriarchates of Serbia, Rumania, and Bulgaria, 143

  • Kurian Vanchipurackal (Kerala), Laity in the Syro-Malabar Church through the Centuries, 156

  • +Paulos Gregorios Varghese (Kerala), The Canonical Position of the Laity in the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, 177

  • Marian Zurowski (Varsavia), Il diritto dei laici alla Communio Ecclesiastica secondo i canoni orientali, 185

  • Mesrob K. Krikorian (Wien), Die Rechtslage der Armenischen Kirche heute, 199

  • Die national-kirchliche Verfassung von 1860/1863 (Anhang), 214

  • Peter Leisching (Innsbruck), Der Inhalt der Responsa Nikolaus' I. ad Consulta Bulgarorum im Lichte westkirchlicher Quellen, 240

  • Josef Prader (Brixen), Die Gerichtsbarkeit in Personalstatutsfragen der christlichen Religionsgemeinschaften in den Ländern des Vorderen Orients, 249

  • Edmund Przekop (Lublin), Quid in electione patriarcharum ad normas iuris pro Ecclesiis Catholicis Orientalibus vigentis peragenda servetur quidque mutetur?, 271

  • Constantin Vavouskos (Thessaloniki), Les Conciles et leur pouvoir judiciaire, 294



Verlag Herder - Wien 1977

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